Opening Concert of the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra
“If you have heard János Balázs perform, you must have experienced a compelling and completely unique concert.”
“If you have heard János Balázs perform, you must have experienced a compelling and completely unique concert.”
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Last event date: Tuesday, June 04 2024 8:00PM
Opening Concert of the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra
Classical concert
(rain day 5 June)
Special guest János Balázs - piano
Conductor: Gergely Madaras
The Margaret Island Theater celebrates the day of the National Unity with a large-scale event every year.
János Balázs, Kossuth Prize-winning and Ferenc Liszt Prize-winning pianist who is winner of the Music International Grand Prix New York and audience favorite will join the National Philharmonic Orchestra in summer 2024.
In addition to popular works such as Hungarian Fantasy by Liszt, Beethoven's 5th Symphony the program also contains some surprises and rarities such as the Dances from Gemer by the Slovak composer Alexander Moyzes, which have not been heard before in our country.
From the 1st of July 2024 Hungary will assume the presidency of the Council of the EU, and before that we pay tribute by selecting the pieces of the festive program from the works of the composers of the countries participating in the cooperation of the Visegrad Four (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia). As a symbol of unity, an excerpt from Beethoven's 9th symphony entitled Ode to Joy, which is the official anthem of the European Union, will be played.
“If you have heard János Balázs perform, you must have experienced a compelling and completely unique concert.”
Music critiques highlight the delicacy and diverse colors of his piano playing, his unlimited dynamic scale and his fascinating virtuosity. Attending János Balázs’ concerts is a genuine time travel, as he evokes with full force the intimate ambience of the composers and pianists of the so-called 19th century golden age, like Franz Liszt or Frédéric Chopin.
I. part
- Bedřich Smetana: Overture from "The Bartered Bride"
- Frédéric Chopin: Andante Spianato and Grande Polonaise Brillante
- Alexander Moyzes: Dances from Gemer
- Ferenc Liszt: Hungarian Fantazy
II. part
- Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67 (Fate Symphony)
Encore: European Anthem
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