NEMANJA RADULOVIĆ & Double Sens classical concert
Radulovic's desire is to expand the boundaries of music and reach audiences of all ages and backgrounds.
Radulovic's desire is to expand the boundaries of music and reach audiences of all ages and backgrounds.
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Last event date: Thursday, July 11 2024 8:00PM
Classical concert
(rain date: 12July)
The Serbian French violinist Nemanja Radulović champions the power of music to bring people together with his unique energy and, thrilling virtuosity, depth of expression, and adventurous programming. His hotly anticipated BBC Proms debut in 2019 with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and Kirill Karabits featured a Barber Violin Concerto played with ‘lyric delicacy and last-movement super-virtuosity’ (The Times).
The world-renowned violinist performs the songs on his program with artistic freedom. His attractive appearance, hairstyle, stage movement and witty comments to the audience make him even more unique. Radulović evokes the musical atmosphere of Bach or Mozart's time with almost visual impact, and the effervescent virtuosity with which he performs the pleasing numbers of Sarasate, Brahms and Monti is dazzling.
Radulovic's desire is to expand the boundaries of music and reach audiences of all ages and backgrounds.
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Szeretné az előadás előtti időt egy különleges helyen tölteni exkluzív étel és ital bekészítéssel? Válassza színházjegye mellé a VIP lehetőséget…
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